A Formal Apology
Program text: Kelsey Brod as Ivanka Trump delivers "A Formal Apology", a five-minute speech acknowledging Trump's propagation of an exclusionary, dangerous feminism. Most of the speech appropriates from bell hooks' essay Dig Deep: Beyond Lean In, a response to Sheryl Sandberg's corporate feminism. This mashup parallels Ivanka Trump's recent book "Women who Work" with Sheryl Sandberg's 2013 book "Lean In," demonstrating the dangerous influence of a patriarchal, reframed feminism (by the ostensible left) on Trump's own curated feminism. Performing as someone in-between herself and Trump, Brod acknowledges her own embodiment's relationship to Ivanka Trump and white feminism.
Performance for Rachel Owen's LIFE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF A CRACKED GLASS CEILING, part of "It's Happening! 50 Years of Art in the Parks," also with performances from Maureen Connor, Nathalie Encarnacion, Mira Schor, Christopher Jiles, and Lachell Workman. New York City Central Park. 2016
How To Facial Mocap Drag Blender
A Blender tutorial for the community. Installed at the Hudson Valley Museum of Contemporary Art for Bleeding Edge curated by Michael Barraco in 2018.
This is so bizarre - the mind flips back and forth trying to figure out what's serious or a parody. I mean - such levels of pressure of genuine effort and positivity VS detachment from reasoning of subject shouldn't be obtainable :D The smile, the blue of the dress and eyes, the lamps, the script VS clarity of speech, the time this took to do, the books on art... It's not a mixed message - it's a mixed symphony. -YouTube public comment